Promise Obichukwu

Tuesday, July 9, 2024   10:35 PM


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Depression is the state having a mental health disorder which is characterised by an intense feeling of hopelessness, sadness and dislike for things you loved. 

Some symptoms of depression include;
1. Restlessness
2. Constant feeling of emptiness and sadness.
3. Difficulty concentrating and making decisions. 
4. Feeling of guilt
5. Thought of death
6. Fatigue and loss of weight 

Remedy for depression 
Consider engaging in an exercise
It has been found that exercise play a major role in relieving depression.

 On the day you feel like you don't want to do anything including getting out of bed, engaging in physical activities and exercise can reduce the symptoms of depression. 

Set feasible goals
Endeavour not to keep a long list of tasks or goals, your list should be broken down.
Setting and achieving these goals gives a sense of fulfillment, thereby reducing the risk of depression. 

Create a routine
You should create a routine, it shouldn't be a tight one but should be structured schedule.
Creating a routine helps you keep your daily pace. 

Hang out and talk with loved ones
Depression will always make you want to isolate yourself but you must not. Stay and talk to people you love and trust.

If you’re unable to spend time together in person, phone calls or video chats can also be helpful.

Limit alcohol and drug intake
The intake of alcohol and drugs has an adverse effect on you as it contribute to perpetuating feelings of sadness.

People who live with addiction are sure to experience symptoms of depression. 

Get a healthy sleep routine
Difficulty in sleeping is a symptom of depression, you'll either not sleep well or sleep too much. 

Get a healthy sleep routine, create a schedule that will help you sleep and wake up at the same time every day.

Consider taking therapy sessions
Speaking with a professional about what you’re going through and how you feel can be really helpful. 

They help you get better by assessing your symptom and finding a treatment plan to help you get better. 

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