Promise Obichukwu

Friday, July 19, 2024   12:48 PM


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Starting your day with early morning study can be a game-changer. Research shows that the brain is most alert and receptive to new information in the morning.

Getting a head start on your day can help you feel more focused, productive, and in control. So, take advantage of the quiet morning hours to review notes, read, or practice problems. Even just 30 minutes of dedicated study time can make a big difference.

What are the benefits of studying in the morning?

Retention of information
Engaging in study in the morning helps solidify the information in your memory as the brain is well-rested from a night’s sleep, is more receptive to new information.

Better focus and concentration
During the early hours of the day, the environment is typically quiet and distractions are minimal. Your mind is free from distractions allowing you to absorb information more efficiently.

Lower stress level
This proactive approach of study promotes a healthier and less stressful academic experience. It helps you take control of your schedule thereby reducing stress and increasing productivity.

Strengthens or boosts problem-solving skills
Morning studying stimulates your brain and Improves problem-solving skills. Trying to solve complex problems when your mind is at its freshest allows for a deeper understanding of the material.

Increased motivation
Starting your day with early morning studying creates a sense of purpose and motivation. Achieving your study goals early in the day fosters a positive mindset.

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