Promise Obichukwu

Thursday, May 30, 2024   2:22 AM


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Being physically active is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical exercise help to improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress, increase strength and flexibility. Children should be encouraged to be physically active.

Here are 7 ways to encourage a child to be physically active:

1. Lead by example
Engage in physical activities yourself, and your child will be more likely to follow your lead.

2. Make it fun
Encourage activities like tag, hide-and-seek, and scavenger hunts that make exercise feel like play.
The more the enjoys the activity, the more likely she will be to continue it. Get the entire family involved. It is a great way to spend time together.

3. Find activities they enjoy
Expose your child to various sports and activities to find what they like best.

4. Limit screen time
Encourage physical activity by limiting time spent watching TV or playing video games.

5. Provide a conducive outdoor space.
Ensure your child has a safe and accessible place to play outside.

6. Offer encouragement
Praise your child's efforts and achievements in physical activities.

7. Provide opportunities for social interaction.
Encourage your child to join a sports team or club to make friends and stay motivated.

Keep this in mind, the goal is to make physical activity a positive and enjoyable experience for your child!

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