Promise Obichukwu

Friday, August 2, 2024   7:24 PM


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Strict parenting can be beneficial in the society, but according to research, the long-term adverse effects outweigh the benefits.

Parenting is clearly one of the most challenging jobs. The most constructive parenting styles often don’t come naturally, making it even more work to be a great parent.

Strict parenting often comes with having rigid rules and high expectations. Strict parents usually impose tough rules and guidelines on their children because they want what is best for them. But this doesn’t always produce the outcomes they want.

Some of the benefits of strict parenting include raising well mannered and purpose driven children.

Some adverse effects of strict parenting.
1. Depression and anxiety
Overly strict rules and expectations can create a stressful environment, increasing the risk of anxiety and depression.

2. Low self-esteem
Constant criticism and punishment can lead to negative self-image and self-doubt.

3. Rebellion
Children may rebel against strict rules, leading to behavioral problems and conflict.

4. Lack of autonomy
Overly controlling parenting can hinder decision-making skills and independence.

5. Difficulty with emotional regulation Strict parenting can make it challenging for children to manage their emotions and develop emotional intelligence.

6. Strained parent-child relationship Excessive strictness can lead to resentment and damage the parent-child bond.

7. Fear of failure
Children may become risk-averse and afraid to try new things due to fear of punishment or disapproval.

8. Long-term mental health issues Adverse effects of strict parenting can persist into adulthood, contributing to mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and personality disorders.

It's important to strike a balance between setting boundaries and allowing children autonomy, nurturing, and emotional support.

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